If you want to make a distinct impression on a webcam model, you really have your work cut out for you. You really do. Why? It’s very easy for you to fall between the cracks. After all, when you log in to a free cam show, there are many other guys in that same room with you.
These guys can be total jerks. They can be very annoying. Otherwise, they simply send the wrong signals to the model.
Not surprisingly, a lot of webcam models are actually intimidated or creeped out by their audience members. This is why you shouldn’t be surprised that a lot of webcam performers don’t really give their very best performance. They hold back, or they just can’t wait for the show to be over.
If you want to establish a personal connection with a particular webcam model, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on her. You don’t have to spend money on gifts. You don’t have to do any of that. Keep the following tips in mind.
The Problem of Anonymous Audiences
The problem with anonymous audiences is that they bring out the worst behavior. You have to remember that when you join a webcam audience, you can use an alias. You don’t have to use your real name.
This creates all sorts of problems because people feel that they are now excused from acting in a civilized manner. They call the models names. They pick fights with each other. They just act like douchebags.
If you want to stand out in such an audience, you need to be the guy who acts in a very respectful and polite manner. Be that one person who acts like a normal being while everybody else is acting like jerks.
Get the Performer Excited
To stand out in a crowd in a webcam room, you only need to get the performer excited. How do you do that? Encourage her. Tell her she’s doing a good job, and otherwise send her signals that make her feel appreciated. Not only would this make you look better in her eyes, this can actually push her to put on a better performance. You would be the hero in the room because instead of just simply sitting back and expecting a great show, you go the extra mile and help contribute to the great performance.
A crucial component of this is to always be respectful and helpful. The more you help out the model in terms of your encouragement, the more you will stand out. This increases the likelihood that the model would want to talk to you on a personal level.
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