Today I have two neat tricks to help you save money on porn. Each of them is usable on lots of pornsites on the net. They are very different tricks though. So pay attention and learn how to save money on porn!
Trick #1
For this trick you will want to either click one of the images above or go to this porn deals link. While there you can enjoy all of the different deals they have, but right now we are going to focus on their 18 Only Girls deal.
Click on the Get Deal or Sign Up Now link button. Once on the intended target of the trick,, click the join link.
Trick #2
On this trick we will do something really easy and really cool. If you are on the join page and you see that you can join for 30 days for just $19.95 you are ready for trick #2 and to save even more money!
Hit your browsers back button and you should get a popup window asking if you want to stay where you are. Say yes. You should see a link back to the join page saying something to the effect of, take us up on our offer to take 15% more off of the total.
Once you click that button you will see $16.95 for 30 days!
While in the members area you will find that their models also do live cam sex shows!
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